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tv   Journal  PBS  October 30, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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♪ >> you are watching dw's "journal" live from berlin. new york is close to business as super storms sandy wreaks havoc in the u.s. and canada. >> swiss banking giant ubs announces plans to fire more than 10,000 employees and a treatment from investment banking. >> the man due to challenge angela merkel in next year's german elections denies neglecting his duties as a lawmaker by moonlighting. >> new york is closed for
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business in the aftermath of super storm sandy, which left at least 30 people dead. >> damages are likely to surpass those of last year's hurricane irene. sandy has move left much flooding in its wake, paralyzing new york's mass transit system and leaving millions in the dark -- sandy has left much flooding in its wake. >> here is more from america's most populous city. >> the storm has moved on, but the water remains. many of the city's road and subway tunnels are still flooded. public transport will be out of action for days to come. the effects of sandy can be seen on the streets -- residents are relieved that the worst is now behind them. >> well, last night, we could look down this street here, and we saw the river coming toward us. it actually look like something out of a movie.
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it was unbelievable. >> near central park, a crane dangles from a construction site over the street below. the storm caused it to partially collapsed. there are still strong winds, but nothing like those of monday night, which saw gusts of up to 130 kilometers per hour. there were record levels of flood water. emergency services are working around the clock. firefighters were called to a large blaze in the borough of queens. over 80 houses burned down. residents managed to escape. >> there are numerous trapped civilians. we cannot get any apparatus down the block due to chest-high water, but we had a boat with us, and i went down there. >> one of the biggest problems is a lack of electricity. this substation exploded. it could be more than a week before power is restored to the
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whole city. mayor michael bloomberg said sandy may be the worst storm ever to have hit new york. >> in addition to the lives we lost, the damage we suffered across the city is clearly extensive, and it will not be repaired overnight. the two biggest challenges facing our city going forward are getting our mass transit said it -- system up and running and restoring power. >> it is not just new york that is affected. 10 u.s. states have declared a state of emergency. many areas, including parts of washington, d.c., are under water. experts say damages could run into the tens of billions of dollars. >> it does look like it is out of a movie. we are joined now from new york to get up-to-date on the latest. what did you experience, and what is the situation like right now? >> right now, winds have died down to about 50 kilometers an hour, which is half as much as
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it was at 1:00 this morning when i went out with my dog, who was insisting on going to central park. trees were down. the park was closed, but the winds were so high that the barriers closing of the park had been knocked over. lots of construction debris floating around, but nothing like downtown manhattan where they lost power, as your report stated, and that everything is pplus, our neighbors in connecticut and in new jersey where many in the new york -- especially manhattan -- who have weakened houses have been getting hammered even harder. >> we heard power is down, but there must be a sense that the worst is over. >> unless you are trying to leave town or come back into new york. laguardia airport, which services domestic flights, is apparently severely damaged because some of its runways were under water. i think, canada will be opening soon, but look korea, not so
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sure, according to the governor, and school has been cancelled again -- laguardia, not so sure. >> lots of challenges ahead. i hope for your dog as central park opens soon. >> so do we. >> for more on this super storm, we go to washington, where we are joined by our correspondent. we just had a glimpse of what actually happened in new york, but there's millions of other people out there affected. what is the bigger picture like? >> the bigger picture still looks bad, but the situation is going to improve step-by-step. 7.3 million other people -- others say 7.9 million people -- do not have power right now. this will take a while until the situation is going to improve here. we have 1 million people that have been evacuated. they will probably but a couple of hours, may be days, to go back to their apartments and their homes.
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>> apologies for that. we seem to be having problems with the line. we will go back later. a top air force general has been assassinated in syrian capital damascus. the news comes as regime forces dropped four bombs on rebel strongholds to the east of the capital. >> activists say dozens of people were killed in violence across the country on tuesday, following the weekend's unsuccessful temporary cease- fire that was repeatedly broken by both sides. the african union has started talks about intervening in the crisis in mali. the european union is also reported to be considering to send military advisers to help train the country's army. >> government forces are up against a radical islamist movement who has taken control of more than half of the country. they've exploited the power
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vacuum after the country saw a military coup in march. there are new fears the country could become a new haven for militant radicals. >> in europe, germany and france say they want to find a " complete solution" for greece to stop it going bust and keep it in the europe. the countries' finance ministers say the issue must be settled in november to end the uncertainty. >> meanwhile, german chancellor angela merkel has been meeting the bosses of international financial organizations in berlin. they agreed the world recovery is highly fragile. the imf's christine lagarde said both businesses and governments need to make more of an effort to generate growth. swiss bank ubs is gearing up to cut about 15% of its workforce over the next three years. it is hoping for a radical restructuring that will help it return to profitability after what was a disappointing third quarter. >> that's right. the lion's share of the layoffs
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will be in the company's struggling investment banking unit, which has been hit by a series of costly blunders in recent years. >> swiss bank ubs is deep in the red. bad investments have cost the bank more than 36 billion euros. they are hoping cutting 10,000 jobs and their investment business will help them return to profitability. >> the majority of the layoffs are from the investment division. but it is not just the people involved in investing. people in related divisions will be affected as well. we also need to focus on becoming more efficient. 2500 jobs will be cut in switzerland. >> after the swiss bank's investment branch lost 1.7 billion euros in the third quarter of last year, it racked up 2.4 billion euros in losses
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in the same quarter this year. the investment branch of german deutsche bank was able to post modest gains in the same time frame last year of 70 million. this year, their profits climbed higher to 660 million euros, but deutsche bank is also turning to layoffs to save money. they will hand out 2000 pink slips by year's end, but they are holding onto their investment banking division for the time being. >> the job cutting at ubs did not seem to worry investors. time for the marketsow, a investors at the financial maetycuttingakse if they, has got to do something.
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me are callin's edilys the social demoat cditeor anll ioueio >>' economy has io e resonnd s sunfo a fifth successive quarter. >> spn'dp fl 0.3%, but growthloin cpaso t prio qrt. averaged out over the yr, t ecom ipricd tshnk by 1.6%. hee a tough year for neows,spiay frce. cold and wetdionag toinar dinlori gresn bguy re stye din hailstones a >> vineyards were alsoamed mde and funguses. champagne was the worst affected, butucly fin ve, i inoal b ns. >> grapevines are very sensitive. they do not like winteo to cd smetoe o dr,utooucoiurca
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dage them as well. this year has bn tghor neows, with vel unfavorable weather conditions lomgoghe frchin maker have been particularly hard hit. ne pduio h faln by almost 20% the cpad la yr. that is the sharpest fall in prucon iouyes. an i not the only country suffin in aenna produion dropped by 24%. inunry opuis dn is year by 35%. aln ne mer have done better. thisea ilyilroce mo we an any other country in the world, butroctn llti b sghyow experts say the poor hves ha sve lin -- low quantity means the quality of thein ioi tbe good. >> wwi heo fth research -- i will have to do further sech oth ror mylf >> do not forget, y
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website. we will be back right afterhi brk. doot gaw. >> stick around.
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>>elme back. it is just over a year now since to lesions went to the polls to elect their new government. >> hopes wereighat the arabs bring protesters' demands would lead to change, but many activists accuse the government of failing on factors like security, th economy, and civil rights. >> also the rights of women especially remain in question. the problem hasee hhlighted by a recent rate case -- rape case. >> the case has attct inns sutiny in tunisia. a young woman has accused two policemen of rape. they are uer iestigation, and her complaint led to a countercharge. the state prosecutor has accused her of indecent behavior.
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for many here, the case is a backward step for women's rights in post-revolution tunisia this case is important for all tunisian women, and things are especially badorom w are victims of violence. many will be too scared to press charges. this woman provides advice to victims of domestic violence at the office of tunisian association of democratic women. she says more an more women are coming to her since the revolution. women are developing the courage to seek help,ut she says many men are abusing their newfound freedoms. >> women tell us what their husbands are saying to them. the men say they can do what they want ands soon they will have the right to have four wives.
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>> tunisian is changing -- mosques in many poor areas now host conservative preachers. the sec wants to establish a theocracy in tunisia, and he campaigns against the increase in clothing worn by western tourists -- the sect. he also calls for polygamy to be illegalize. he calls it an entitlement for men. >> in islam, it is possible for a man to have several wives. i think lawmakers need to recognize the legality of this practice. >> in another development, the parliament is currently discussing changing the constitution. the governing islamic party wants to revise it to say that men and women are no longer equal. under the change, a woman would complement a man.
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a woman is behind the proposed amendment. she says her intentions are misunderstood. >> the debate over weather women are complementary to men is only happening because of a misinterpretation. we are asking weather the roles of men and women in the family should complement one another. >> once again, people are demonstrating in the streets. the revolution is over, but many feel the quality is now in danger. but tunisian women will not give up without a fight. >> earlier, we spoke to a representative from the german institution of security and international affairs and started by asking if women are the losers of the revolution in tunisia. >> yes, i think so. tunisia had the most liberal family status lock in the arab world since 1956, and after the revolution, is long -- to asia
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had the most liberal family status law in the arab world since 1956, and after the revolution, islamists tried to change that, and it seems they've had at least partial success. >> who is responsible for this radical turn? >> the country is a lot more democratic, but nobody should have expected that everything would work smoothly, and tunisia would be a western-style democracy in a couple of years. tunisian society is highly divided, and we only saw the relatively liberal in the capital, but most of the population is extremely conservative. they have voted the islamists into office with about 35% of the vote, and now, they are under pressure of it even more conservative and radical elements. >> how much power to the religious extremists have in tunisia, and what's the danger the power could fall into their hands?
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>> they are not a strong -- as strong as in egypt. the islamists are strong, and they're right wing is relatively close in its opposite -- close in its positions on this issue to the extremists, but in general, the country is divided, but most of the larger political forces still stick to the democratic political system. i do not think there is a danger of tunisia turning into a theocracy in the coming years. >> the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has warned that the bosnian serb leaders ending talks of secession -- and talks of secessions are just unacceptable. she was speaking on her trip to the balkans with her eu counterparts. she said balkan membership in the eu and nato would be the best way to guarantee stability and prosperity.
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>> clinton's next stop -- serbia and close above -- kosovo. a new report by the european court of monitors suggest the money poured into kosovo has not had the desired effect. >> the eu has spent billions in kosovo. it gets more eu money per capita than anywhere else in the world, but auditors say much of that has gone to waste. >> we found that the european union's assistance to the custom sector by a large has been successful, but that unfortunately, payment to police and judiciary has been less successful because levels of crime and corruption remain high. >> the eu has sent 2000 staff to try to improve the justice system, but the auditors say kosovo's politicians interfere too much with the judiciary, and they say levels of corruption and organized crime remain high.
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the eu admits it is a difficult process and says it is putting pressure on kosovo to improve. >> we are pushing them to deliver as soon as possible because the policy of the european commission, as we said, is to put the rule of law at the center of the process, so we will not tolerate shortcomings. we will not tolerate not enforcing this area. >> there has not been enough coordination either between the european bodies or with the rest of the international community. >> now to a very different subject altogether -- these are an undervalued but key factor in keeping the plant and crop world alive -- bees. the agricultural industry should cherish these insects, but something strange has been happening to the world's honeybees. >> they are disappearing in fast and highly disturbing numbers, but why? a new film out in germany
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highlights the crops of the honeybee and why we should be wary. it is a must see for the public and beekeepers alike. >> this is a royal birth. this queen will be at the center of a community of more than 50,000 bees. with the help of her drones, she will produce 2000 eggs per day. bees live in highly organized societies that adapt rapidly to their environment, but they are under increasing threat from humans. this film director spent five years researching why bees were dying out. his film aims to wake people up to the problem. >> over the last six years, 30% of the population has died every year in europe, north america, and china. in parts of switzerland, the number is 70%. sometimes in america, it is between 50% and 70%, but on
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average, 30% every year. if it keeps going on like that, our valleys will soon look pretty sad. >> they're dying because of mites, bacteria, and parasites, a result of large-scale beekeeping. >> >> it is like wit -- >> it is like we are capitalists. we want to grow. total global domination. >> miller looks after 15,000 hives. he moves them between plantations of apple and -- allman and apple blossom, transporting them all across the u.s. -- plantations of almond and apple blossom. >> in reality, agriculture has to work in partnership with the bees, but when i approached agriculture department's in switzerland, they said they had nothing to do with bees. but agriculture cannot exist
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without them, and they are being killed by pesticides. >> that is what is happening in northern china. in some regions, bees have completely died out. the film has shocked many beekeepers. >> the pictures were absolutely harrowing. we just cannot do that to animals. it should be illegal. at least these things are being made public and people can see what is going on. >> the film shows that the problem may be quiet, but also quite serious. >> the wife of the north korean leader vanished from public view two months ago, and there were a lot of rumors about what had happened. >> now she is back, seen at a concert with her husband on monday. spectators gave the couple a big round of applause when they
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arrived at the theater. there had been rumors that she was pregnant or even that she had been purged. >> good that she is all right. >> absolutely. who knows what happened? anyway, thanks for watching, and do not forget you can check out more detailed information on our website, >> we will see you again soon. do not go away. captioned by the national captioning institute
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